Thursday, October 18, 2012

2 for the price of 1!

Well I know all you deal-loving readers ear's perked up when you saw this title. I promised you ONE big reveal today, but I am bringing you TWO reveals. Hold on to your seats because everything is changing color around here!!

The other day I spotted this little beauty at goodwill.

I loved the lines and the intricate detail at the top, but not so much anything else. But for $10.25 I thought I would give her a little makeover. First things first. That seat was awful. The actual material wasn't that bad, but it was covered in a think yellowish plastic. Once I got that off the chair wasn't half bad. Than I proceeded to sand her down for about an hour with very fine sandpaper.

I decided to go with spray paint for this project. There are pros and cons to spray paint. Pros being super easy and quick. Cons being that it is more expensive (a lot of paint gets wasted) and that there are a few tricks. First thing to know is always keep the can moving. If you stop moving while spraying the paint will pool and drip and look hideous. You really need to do very thin, even coats, and TAKE YOUR TIME. The next thing to know is that I don't always use spray paint, but when I do I use.....

Rustoleum. The best spray paint on earth. This is not the time to be a total cheapskate.

Then I went down to a wonderful fabric store here in Richmond called U-Fab and picked out some fabric for the seat. After unscrewing the seat, all I did was staple the fabric around the existing wooden seat and batting. And here she is in all her glory....

Now for the second reveal. Today I went to work looking like this:
And I came home looking like this:
Ta da!! After 26 years of being a blonde I decided it was finally time to put down (and step away) from the sun-in bottle that has been the cause of my blonde hair for years. I have been wanting to go brunette for a while, but I could never bring myself to spend money on getting my hair done, hence the use of sun-in for the past 10 years. I finally bit the bullet when a groupon came up for cut, color and conditioning treatment. I wouldn't recommend the place I went, that is another story in itself, but I like it ok for now. It will definitely take some getting used to, but I know I can always change it if needed.
The name of this blog is Silly, Honest and Kind. So, in your "be honest" moment of the day, please tell me which makeover was a hit and which was a miss: hair or chair? And remember, "be kind" : ) 
I apologize for the junky iphone photos. Next post I promise to use my very nice Nikon, just didn't have time today.

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